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Carlos Pazos y Eloy Fernández Porta dinamitan los límites entre buen y mal gusto
Monday 06 | February | 2023
The exhibition Bad Painting? reflects at Can Framis on the artistic canon with paintings by renowned painters on loan from the MNAC, pieces by the artist and works from his collection. Read ...

Vila Casas, fill adoptiu de Palafrugell
Sunday 05 | February | 2023

The patron receives the distinction for his great human and artistic work.

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Antoni Vila Casas rep la distinció de Fill Adoptiu de Palafrugell
Saturday 04 | February | 2023
Antoni Vila Casas has received the title of Adopted Son of Palafrugell (Baix Empordà) this Saturday at the Museu Can Mario of the municipality. Read ...

El fracàs de l´art?
Thursday 02 | February | 2023

The exhibition Bad Painting? by Carlos Pazos, invites reflection, with a lot of irony, on how we value art.

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Antoni Vila Casas rebrà aquest dissabte la distinció de Fill Adoptiu de la Vila de Palafrugell
Thursday 02 | February | 2023
The title is awarded to those persons who, without being born in the municipality, have stood out in an extraordinary way for their personal qualities or merits. Read ...

Pinturas malas en Can Framis
Sunday 29 | January | 2023
Eloy Fernandez-Porta, author and curator, and the artist Carlos Pazos have dived into the MNAC and Fundació Vila Casas storage to select one hundred works from between 1850 and 1950. It will be on view at the Museu Can Framis in Barcelona from February 7. Read ...

El hogar del arte en la casa Manuel Felip
Thursday 19 | January | 2023
This modernist jewel located on Ausiàs Marc street in Barcelona houses the Espais Volart on its first floor.   Read ...

Antoni Vila Casas: “M’ha sorprès completament. Un Ajuntament mai m’havia declarat fill”
Tuesday 17 | January | 2023

Article that reviews the news about the appointment of Antoni Vila Casas as Adopted Son of Palafrugell.


See article.

Obertes les inscripcions pel Premi de Fotografia de la Fundació Vila Casas
Monday 16 | January | 2023

Artists of legal age can submit original and unpublished photographs until January 31.


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El 4 de febrer s´entregarà la medalla i diploma de Fill adoptiu a Antoni Vila Casas
Monday 16 | January | 2023
On February 4 will be the ceremony of delivery of the medal and diploma of Adopted Son to Antoni Vila Casas. It will be at the Museu Can Mario in Palafrugell at 12 noon.   Read ...

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