Fundació Vila Casas
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El rol clave de los medios de comunicación para eliminar el estigma en salud mental
Tuesday 07 | November | 2023
There are many barriers to proper care and prevention of mental health problems and all these barriers can be addressed through communication. This is stated in a report published by the Center for the Study of Science, Communication and Society of the Pompeu Fabra University of Barcelona and the ...

L´empresari Antonio Sagnier pren el relleu al capdavant de la Fundació Vila Casas
Tuesday 07 | November | 2023

The businessman Antonio Sagnier takes over the leadership of the Fundación Vila Casas, after the death of its founder.

Can Framis exhibeix ´Joan Claret i Joan Vilacasas. Donació de la Col·lecció Brigitte i Hans Robert Thomas´
Tuesday 07 | November | 2023
The collectors treasured more than 200 works that, by the will of their heirs, were given to the art fund of the Fundación Vila Casas. Read ...

Exposició de Joan Claret i Joan Vilacasas
Tuesday 07 | November | 2023

Catalunya informació (minute 50:05)

Els aliats alemanys de l’art català de la postguerra
Monday 06 | November | 2023
Antoni Vila Casas has not been in time to see one of the exhibitions that he was most excited to see inaugurated. Because, more than an exhibition, it was the celebration of a gift, the one given to him by the children of the German couple Brigitte Hueck and Hans Robert Thomas. Read ...

Els pintors abstractes Joan Claret i Joan Vilacasas dialoguen en una mostra a Can Framis
Monday 06 | November | 2023

The starting point for the exhibition is the Brigitte and Hans Robert Thomas Collection, given to the Fundación Vila Casas.

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Maria Girona vs. Maria Girona
Saturday 04 | November | 2023

From cities of desire to landscapes of the soul, Espacios Volart shows an exceptional painter who knew how to listen to herself.

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Festival loop barcelona 2023
Saturday 04 | November | 2023
In its 21st edition, the video creation festival LOOP Barcelona continues to network with local and international artists, curators and institutions. It presents an extensive program that includes exhibitions, screenings, performances and conversations that will take place in various venues around ...

El Museu Can Framis inaugura l’exposició “Joan Claret i Joan Vilacasas. Donació de la Col·lecció Brigitte i Hans Robert Thomas”
Friday 03 | November | 2023
Thanks to the donation of the Brigitte and Hans Robert Thomas collection, the Can Framis Museum will host from November 6 to January 14 an exhibition of Joan Claret and Joan Vilacasas, reference painters of post-war Catalan abstraction. Read ...

Noviembre en el Museo Lázaro Galdiano
Wednesday 01 | November | 2023
Pablo Picasso's 90th birthday in 1971 highlighted his antagonistic reception and the beginning of a campaign of attacks on his name, including attacks on galleries and bookstores.  Read ...

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Temporary Contemporary Art Exhibitions

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Contemporary Painting Museum

Can Framis Telèfon E-mail Localització
Contemporary Sculpture Museum

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Contemporary Photograpy Museum

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