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Joan Gardy Artigas, l’artista que va tallar el bigoti a Dalí
Saturday 24 | August | 2024

Until November 24, 'The Rebel Hand', an exhibition curated by Ricard Bru at the Vila Casas Foundation, does justice to the career of this sculptor and ceramist, who is a true revelation.

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Els llindars de Jordi Martoranno
Saturday 24 | August | 2024

Martoranno's exhibition in Sant Joan de les Abadesses will be open until September 22nd.

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Leopold Samsó: tan lluny, tan a prop
Monday 19 | August | 2024

Until November 17, the Fundació Vila Casas presents at the Palau Solterra in Torroella de Montgrí an exhibition dedicated to the photographic work of Leopold Samsó.

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La Fundació Vila Casas presenta una exposició retrospectiva de l´obra de Joan Gardy Artigas
Tuesday 13 | August | 2024

Until November 24, you can visit the exhibition The rebellious hand of Joan Gardy Artigas (Paris, 1938) at the Can Mario museum in Palafrugell.

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Entrevista a Santiago Olmo director del GCAC
Sunday 11 | August | 2024
The next exhibition, 'Mayte Vieta, the sound of the sea', opens the new CGAC course on September 20, and seems to be in tune with the current environmentalist trend on the rise. Read ...

Exposicions imprescindibles per a visitar aquest estiu (I)
Friday 09 | August | 2024

The Vila Casas Foundation exhibits “The Rebel Hand”, the first exclusive exhibition of the work of sculptor Joan Gardy Artigas.

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La millor fotografia a Palafrugell
Wednesday 07 | August | 2024
Until October 13, the XIII Biennial of Photography Xavier Miserachs offers eleven exhibitions of renowned photographers such as Colita, Lee Miller, Tony Catany, Carlos Pérez Siquier or Jacques Léonard. Read ...

Juanpere i Dolors Molas, al castell de Vila-seca
Tuesday 06 | August | 2024
Since it reopened as a contemporary art center four years ago, the castle of Vila-seca had a goal - to become a benchmark for contemporary art in a historic setting - and two very marked paths. Read ...

Nits temàtiques, curtetes i a la fresca
Tuesday 06 | August | 2024

The Can Framis Museum of the Vila Casas Foundation will once again host the Mecal Air sessions on Fridays.

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Temporary Contemporary Art Exhibitions

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Contemporary Painting Museum

Can Framis Telèfon E-mail Localització
Contemporary Sculpture Museum

Can Mario Telèfon E-mail Localització
Contemporary Photograpy Museum

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